Today I installed latest version of varnish on a new server and configured it manually. I tried to start it but it was failing. So I did a configuration file test and it gave below error.
# varnishd -C -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl Message from VCC-compiler: VCL version declaration missing Update your VCL to Version 4 syntax, and add vcl 4.0; on the first line the VCL files. ('input' Line 1 Pos 1) backend default { #######---------- Running VCC-compiler failed, exit 1 VCL compilation failed
If you read the error carefully then it says that the vcl-compiler requires additional line “vcl 4.0;” added at the top of the configuration file. This happened because Varnish 3.0 configuration syntax is not fully compatible with varnish 4.0. You will have to make a few simple changes to make it work.
vcl 4.0; backend default { .host="XX.XX.XX.XX"; .port="8082"; }
So after adding the line. The varnish started running perfectly.
root@ [~]# /etc/init.d/varnish restart Stopping Varnish Cache: [ OK ] Starting Varnish Cache: 0 [ OK ] root@ [~]#