Server management alone can consume the majority of your IT budget. Unfortunately, managing the server infrastructure places an enormous strain on IT operations. Not only do they have to contend with server troubleshooting and optimization, server administrators also find themselves facing a constant stream of patches and upgrades, data backups, as well as the need to monitor system processes continuously, so that they can react the moment an issue is detected.As a result, reactive activities end up taking up the largest proportion of time spent by IT personnel; time that could be better applied to growing the business infrastructure, or developing ways to further improve business productivity.
Outsourcing Server Management can improve productivity, security, and compliance – potentially giving you up to 50% or more savings over in-house solutions
For many organizations, outsourcing their server management activities to a trusted server management service provider can dramatically simplify IT server management and help transform IT into a strategic asset.Besides freeing up staff resources and improving productivity, outsourcing can result in savings of as high as 50% or more over an in-house management solution.
Server Management Service
ServerManagementPlus’s Server Management Service is designed to provide customers with high availability, enhanced security, and round-the-clock active monitoring, server support service and management for their server infrastructure. These services are implemented to provide you fast response times, server management using world-class methods, tools, and processes – without any IT investment on your part. We support both Windows and Linux Servers.
Round-the-Clock Monitoring and Support
– By installing a monitoring agent on each of your servers, ServerManagementPlus will provide your business with 24×7 monitoring and support, ensuring that your servers are pro-actively maintained in good health. Any system alerts are raised immediately, avoiding potentially damaging downtime. Service requests can also be addressed quicker, resulting in increased user satisfaction.
Scalability and Flexibility
– As your business grows, so will your server infrastructure, and ServerManagementPlus will be right there with you. Whether it’s more servers, more locations, new applications, and new platforms, you can rely on our team of certified professionals to provide the same level of quality
service and support.
Lower cost of ownership with subscription-based model
– Deploying an equivalent monitoring system in-house requires a substantial investment in hardware, software, communication and on-going operational cost. With ServerManagementPlus’s subscription-based model, you only pay a recurring service fee, with no hardware expenditure needed, greatly improving IT cost containment and budgeting.
Specialist knowledge and skills
– Our team of dedicated professionals posses a broad range of skills and IT certification, providing you with in-depth knowledge of industry best practices in IT Services Management